Fundamentals and Trail Ride (6 hours)

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Fundamentals and Trail Ride (6 hours)


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This is the perfect course for you if you find yourself wanting to understand and execute mountain bike skills with more confidence. While the curriculum is designed to teach newer riders the mechanics of riding, it is also an excellent way for seasoned riders to review the basics and break old habits and ride trails with renewed confidence.

These mountain bike clinics cover correct body position on the bike, how to safely and effectively use your brakes, tackle corners of all shapes and ride efficiently over small obstacles.

This full-day fundamentals clinic has the added bonus of a trail ride to review all the skills that were covered in the morning as well as a few more skills that are easier to learn on the trails (such as starting on a hill and body positions for climbing).

These clinics begin at 8:30 in the morning and conclude at 2:30 in the afternoon. Exact location is sent to you upon signing up.

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