Mammoth Lakes

There is beautiful smooth single track that parallels the road from the town of Mammoth Lakes up to Mammoth Ski Resort. We've seen from the car and I finally had the chance to check it out. I rode from our hotel to the resort to explore what I hoped were trails similar to Park City or Deer Valley. Not quite. It was really pretty, but this resort is completely tailored to downhillers. In a very serious way. They have built features all over the mountain that, to me, look insane. I rode one short bridge, but at the end there was a 3 foot drop, can you guess if I rode it? In fact, I am ashamed to say, I walked my bike down much of the mountain. Even walking around some of these features was hairy.
Singletrack through the trees at Mammoth Ski Resort
Morning clouds rolling off the ridge at the resort
This bridge repeated a few more times
The one I rode, just to the end, not off it though!

There is another berm built a few feet off the ground in the distance, it's hard to tell just how huge these are from this photo

When I rolled back into town Kirkham was celebrating his birthday with Johnny by swimming in the huge hot tub at the hotel. No other hotel guests were around, so we all played the pool for the next few hours. The weather was so ideal and we thought we work on getting rid of our biker tans, no such luck, that'd take days and days in the sun!
Post ride plunge
Soaking up the mountain sun

Next up was a quick drive through Yosemite. We made it to Toulumne Meadows, then went for a little hike on Lembert Dome.