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See photos from past clinics hereherehere, here and here then read clinic reviews below. Private sessions are always available, email me at 
September 2014 Clinic reviews:

"Thank you for putting on such a great clinic last night.  I had such a great time and I learned so much.  I think the biggest thing I took away was to be more confident.  I have always had so much self doubt of my skills in cx and mtb and you helped me to believe in myself. I actually put to use the peripheral vision skills to work today.  I was doing barrier skills practice and my friend told me to look at some wheelbarrows off to my right as I jumped on the bike.  It made so much sense to me and helped make my remounts so much smoother! Thank you for the AMAZING swag bag.  It was like Christmas going through it all!  I loved the vision magazine and the feature on one of my favorite athletes, Martin Fourcade. I love the RX bars and plan to order some this week.  I meant it when I said I got a little choked up at the end of the skills session.  Had I gone to that course just a few months ago I would have jumped off of the bike and walked.  You really made me believe that I COULD do it.  Thanks for helping make a giant leap in my self confidence Erica." Kristin P.

"Loving my Julbo sunglasses whih happen to match  my new ESI grips from the clinic. I came away inspired in so many ways. If anyone wants to get better and feel safter on their mountain bike check out Eric'a next worth it!" Mylissa G.

"I attended Erica's skills clinic and quickly learned new techniques that really are confidence builders. I was always curious about how to pick up time riding downhill. This clinic gave me the answers and I have seen real improvement. The funnest part of the clinic was realizing how a set of seemingly distinct techniques are interrelated. Riding the downhill course during the clinic - a fluid activity - allows one to seamlessly string these techniques together." Scott H.

"I wanted to thank you for such a great, informative, helpful and positive clinic you led on Friday. I immediately implemented many of the skills and tips you provided on my ride Saturday morning. I felt more confident as a rider and truly had a smile on my face during the entire ride. You rock!" Jenny W.

"Many thanks to Erica Tingey for a fantastic mountain biking clinic in Park City! As well as the amazing swag from ESI GripsStans NoTubes, and Julbo USA. Thanks so much!" Lauren B.

2014 Private Clinic Review:
"Thanks again for your help with my mountain bike skills, and thanks for showing me how to use Stans NoTubes! Certainly helped during my most recent  Xterra and will for my main Xterra race in October!" Linda M.

2013 Clinic Reviews:

"I just completed Erica Tingey's class designed for intermediate mountain bike racing. As a new mountain biker I realized there were skills I was missing to help me become stronger, efficient and a more competitive racer. She had an abundance of techniques to share, including positioning, cornering, drills, mental skills and nutrition. I have learned more from her class than I have in three years of riding independently. Her class was informational, positive, and valuable. I will definitely be attending next year's clinic. " Emily W.

"Last Friday I attended one of Erica Tingey’s mountain bike skills clinics in Park City and I just wanted to let you know that it was awesome – she is awesome! – and she represents your brand well! It was cool to chat with her about how she got her start in pro racing and learn from the best. I already feel like a faster mountain biker." Jessica M.

2012 Clinic Reviews:

"Erica's Clinics are truly world class!! She is an amazing instructor...she covers fundamental skills that will improve your riding SO much! She works with her clients on their level, and she's super encouraging and motivating. The Whole 9 presentation was very informative and I'm excited to put it to the test. And in the end the food was over the top! I would attend again in a heartbeat! World class!!! Jan H."

"A clinic with Erica is like a gift to yourself. Not only is she personable and easy to relate with, the instruction in her clinic is the gift that keeps on giving. Every ride thereafter keeps getting better, safer, and reminds us of why we love to mtb...we are constantly learning and making improvements big and small. Deborah M"

"Thanks for the great clinic! I was thrilled to learn how to get over obstacles, such as curbs, nearly effortlessly. The tips for going around curves downhill (and then practicing them) were excellent. I was very excited to find that I could ride much faster, in control, than I thought I could. And, of course, the Whole9 dinner was fabulous. I'm very inspired to try the Whole30. Stefani D." 

"I LOVED! this clinic. As someone who had no prior mountain biking experience, I was a little worried about slowing the group down. Erica did a fantastic job of working with all of our skill levels and teaching us techniques that really did make a difference. I am excited to start a new hobby! Melanie A."

"Erica's clinic was awesome! We had everyone from first time mountain bikers to experienced racers in our group and she was able to teach all of us at our level. The techniques I learned in the clinic helped me to become a much better mountain biker which has made my mountain biking adventures so much more fun. The gift bag she gave us had fabulous stuff and the food was delicious! I would recommend this clinic to anyone who wants to improve their mountain biking skills and have a great evening. Sherry C."