Why I Really Started Mountain Bike Coaching

Hey there riding friend,

Today I want to let you in on why I started coaching mountain bike skills to adult women. 

You see, when I started mountain biking as an adult, I really struggled with my descending skills. 

My fitness carried me up the hills, but then I would inevitably get passed on the descents because I was grabbing my brakes out of fear. I thought if I would just stop using my brakes or be more brave, I would finally be able to keep up with my friends on the up hills AND the downhills.  

I was so embarrassed to have people ride behind me and see how fearful I was and how much I used my brakes.

I thought if I just rode more, I would eventually learn how to get faster. But I only made small improvements over time and frankly, I was still terrified. In fact, I was a professional mountain bike racer and I was still terrified on the descents.

Sound familiar?

I knew deep down I wanted to ride fluidly, enjoy the descents, and finally kick my nerves to the curb.

Staying stuck and scared was simply not an option.

So, I hired a skills coach, learned how to ride with the precise skills.

💥 Even more importantly, I hired a mindset and performance coach and learned to calm my brain down so I could utilize my skills to ride smoothly and confidently😎.

Today, I now…

  • Know how to ride nearly every trail in our local 450 mile trail network with absolute confidence

  • Keep up with my friends on the descents

  • But, foremost, I can do the above while feeling relaxed and with smile on my face:)

My own transformation is proof that a woman, who is extra nervous on the descents, can learn to ride like a total boss.

That’s why I’m now passionate about helping women stop hitting their brakes anytime there is a hint of fear and finally ride smoothly and confidently.

As you read this email, I’m not sure what your reality looks like right now.

But I know that there’s a reason why you’ve read up to this point.

If you’re finding yourself in a similar situation to where I was 12 years ago, struggling with fear while descending on your mountain bike , I want to let you know you have the power to learn handle all of it.

And I want to help you.

(Because let’s be real, it’s a lot faster when you get help from someone who’s overcome the same problems you have right now!)

That’s why this week, I’ll be hosting a free virtual training on how to master your mountain bike mindset, the same way I have.

The best part is that I’m sharing all the steps, free of charge.

So, if you’d like to join me online next week, make sure you CLICK HERE to register. 

I hope to see you there.

Your friend on the trails,