Trail Etiquette When Encountering Horses

Have you ever been cruising down a flow trail and suddenly found yourself in the path of a 1500-pound mammal? If not, there is a good chance that you will eventually—especially if you live in an area where horseback riding is popular! Memes on social media can make light of the situation, but let’s be clear: horses can be very skittish, and spooking them could potentially be dangerous (or fatal!) to you, the rider, and/or the horse. Most trails have established rules, but even if there are no formal guidelines, you should ALWAYS yield to horses and their riders. Don’t worry! Passing equestrians safely is simple if you follow some basic etiquette.

The Three Steps to Trail Etiquette

1. Slow down and greet the rider and horse with your voice as soon as they are in hearing range. Horses are less likely to become spooked if they recognize you as human. Say hello cheerfully, or comment on what a great day it is.

2. Ask the rider for guidance, and then follow their instructions. They may prefer that you get off and walk your bike around them, move off the trail and let them pass, or pass them slowly while still riding. They may also have instructions for which side of the trail you should stand on. Be polite — they know their animal, and it’s in everybody’s best interest that the horse remain calm. If the rider is unable to communicate instructions, get off the trail and wait for the horse to pass (opposite direction), or walk your bike in a very wide path around the horse (same direction). Never walk or ride behind a horse!

3. Continue to chat politely unless the rider instructs you otherwise. This will help the horse stay relaxed and promote good vibes with other trail users. Remember that maintaining respectful relationships with hikers and equestrians helps ensure continued access to the trails we love!