CarboRocket Photo Shoot

Brad at CarboRocket asked me a few months ago to do a photo shoot with the amazing photographer, Kevin Winzeler. We had a hard time getting the weather to cooperate and had rescheduled the shoot a few times, but it all came together last week. 
Kevin was one of 3 photographers from around the country that was chosen to be in a movie about photographers created by SmugMug. Anton from SmugMug was shooting video the whole time Kevin was shooting stills, so there will be movie about his photo shoot too!  
Our first session was in Park City, post-race Tuesday night. After the race I put on my clean CarboRocket kit and we shot a some photos until the temperature dropped so much I couldn't hold my chin still from the teeth chattering. The next morning we starting shooting at 6:00 on top of Suncrest in Draper. I did about 100 "intervals" on my road bike then we moved to the dirt. Justin T happened to be riding past, so he threw on a CarboRocket jersey and joined in some of the photos. Next up was steep dirt road for more action shots & intervals. The photo party then rolled to some Draper single track and Kevin hooked a fish eye lens to Brad and we shot more stills. 7 hours straight of photo taking and I was beat! We took a break for lunch then headed up Big Cottonwood for some group road ride shots. Kevin had us follow is minivan down the canyon, it was a bit sketchy to say the least. It was a great day full of fun with really great people. As soon as I get some photos I will post them, there should be some really great ones.

Kevin-showing me what my bike is capable of. He'd been asking for a wheelie, I couldn't provide, so he showed me how. Needless to say, I still couldn't do one. That guy has some serious skills, he used to race trial bikes.

Kevin, Brad, Justin, Anton, Sergio (sitting on a rock)-overlooking Utah Lake & Mt. Timpanogas from Suncrest

Brad & Erica

Anton stabilizing Brad on the bike, Kevin setting up the camera